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Overcoming Knee Pain With Chiropractic Care

Written By Jacksonville Integrative Health on January 7, 2024

knee pain


Chronic or recurring knee pain can take a toll on your work, exercise routine, social life, and sleep habits. At Jacksonville Integrative Health, we offer drug-free knee pain management and chiropractic therapies to treat knee injuries in Jacksonville, FL. Find out how we can help you overcome knee pain through chiropractic care. 

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections are a safe, FDA-approved alternative to prescription medications and surgery for treating knee pain and knee injuries. During this treatment, our chiropractor, Dr. David Katz, and his medical team will draw blood from your arm. We will use a centrifuge to separate the plasma from your blood. We will then inject the plasma into targeted treatment areas of your knee. These injections encourage tissue and joint healing, cell regeneration, and improved blood flow, and can reduce pain and inflammation.

Hyaluronic Acid Injections

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the body. By injecting hyaluronic acid into your knee joints, we can address joint degeneration and provide cushioning for your joints. This treatment can reduce pain, slow joint degeneration, restore range of motion, and promote mobility. 

Knee Decompression Therapy

During knee decompression therapy, we use a traction device to gently stretch your knee and knee joint. This relieves pressure on the joint and surrounding nerves and muscles, and creates space in the joint. Over time, you will have less inflammation and pain and increased mobility and flexibility.

Class IV Laser Therapy

Class IV laser therapy, or hot laser therapy, utilizes high-level laser therapy to promote healing and regeneration in the knee joint and tissues. The laser light interacts with the body and promotes a healing response that improves blood and nutrient flow, increases tissue and cell regeneration, and reduces pain and inflammation. 

Learn More About Drug-Free, Non-Surgical Knee Pain Treatment in Jacksonville, FL

If you want to avoid prescription pain medications, invasive procedures, and knee surgery to treat your knee injury or knee pain, visit us at Jacksonville Integrative Health. Our medical team will work closely with you to identify the underlying cause of your knee pain, design a personalized pain management plan, and help you avoid future knee pain and knee injury. Call us today or request an appointment online.

Posted In: Knee Pain Treatment